My two littlest boys: Jack and Henry

My two littlest boys: Jack and Henry

Monday, February 18, 2013

TV-free Funtivities today

 After what seems like forever, we are all finally well. Since we have been sick for like 2 months, there has been way too much TV. It has caused a few attitudes that need adjusting. But, when everyone is sick it is couch potato city!!! We needed to get of the couch today, so we started off by  having a tantrum when the TV was switched off at 7:30 AM. Then, we read the Berenstein Bears, Too Much TV, and made a list of To-Dos.

To Do:

1) Art

Jack's "Snowy Day" with his snowman and GIANT snowflakes. 

I love this! Jack says it is me and him playing chase together. (The big circles are us going around and around.)

2) Laundry 

Blah! But, somebody has to do it. (And nobody has for awhile.)

3) Science Activity

Saw this one on Pinterest. We talked on a basic level about acids and bases and chemical reactions, gases, and all that Mr. Wizard stuff. I said, BASIC. We also checked out color mixing. He loved it! (This only lasted about 20 mins.) Here's where I got the  idea from Kids Activity Blog. 

Played with some puzzles, pirates, and little brother toys. ;)


4) Playground

5) Walmart Run

Had to find a lamp for Jack's room. He is now officially afraid of the dark and only wants to sleep with his big overhead light on. Ummm, while it does help with the whole dark "thing" it doesn't really help him fall asleep. Got a small lamp to help that. We'll see tonight. 

6) Nap time

Not Jack's favorite, but it has to be. 

7) Now, a chance to watch Bubble Guppies. :) and it is 4:20. Not too bad. :) 

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