My two littlest boys: Jack and Henry

My two littlest boys: Jack and Henry

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Easter Paper Banner

After making my Easter Egg Art using burlap and scrapbook paper, I decided to exchange some other paper that I had decided not to use and get more of the same paper I used for the eggs. Calling myself a beginner at sewing would be a huge exaggeration. What does come before beginner? Anyway, I need to practice the very basics, for example, threading the needle and pulling up the bobbin! I decided to sew a paper banner. Not too hard since it is one straight line all the way across. (Thanks for the idea, Amanda!) If it hadn't taken me about 20 minutes to get the sewing machine plugged in, threaded, and ready to go, this project would have taken me about 45 minutes start to finish.

What you need:
scrap book paper ($2.40)
straight edge or ruler
bias tape ($1.99)

This cost about $5.00. :)

What you do:

Cut out the triangles or whatever shape you want and sew them to the bias tape. TA DA! Easy

I decided to use a fancy pair of scissors that will make a zig zag edge on the paper triangles. I also wasn't too concerned about if they were all a little off or about the spacing between them on the bias tape. It doesn't need to be perfect to be pretty. I sewed them together while Henry and Jack were playing together in the same room as me. I did have to stop and pick up Henry and plop him back in front of his toys a couple of times. He loves the sound of the sewing machine. :)

This is how it turned out. I even had a little bit of extra paper, so I made flowers/pin-wheel looking things to stick out of a galvanized bucket I had.

Here's how it turned out.

Jack's puzzle is sitting there too. Meh! Forgot to move it. Oh well! I think it looks pretty festive for a super budget. 

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