My two littlest boys: Jack and Henry

My two littlest boys: Jack and Henry

Monday, November 19, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! Gobble Gobble! We are getting ready for the holidays here. We managed to get all of our big Thanksgiving feast shopping done over the weekend. Doug and I are getting ready to host our first Thanksgiving. The kids will have to remember Daddy's turkey, because I am not going near it! I might make a delicious thanksgiving fish someday! Besides the turkey, we are having all of the rest of the traditional fare. My mom is bringing over pumpkin soup, bean salad, and pumpkin pie. I will be making cornbread stuffing, brussel sprouts, mashed taters, and be opening my favorite can of cranberries. It might just be the sound of the jellied cranberries when they squelch out that I really like.

 Jack and I will be making pilgrim hats and turkeys out of Oreos, Whoppers, and other yummy candies. We will see how they turn out. If they don't go as  well as planned, Jack and I will just eat all of the evidence of failure up!!! I wish I could post up the pictures of our handiwork, but we have lost our camera! Boo! I think it might have bounced out of our pockets during our trick-or-treating. Good thing Black Friday Sales will be out on Friday.

Oreo Turkeys How To:

Pilgrim Hat Cookies How To

Jack dressed up from his school Thanksgiving Feast. His teachers did amazing jobs with their  outfits!

Jack's Thanksgiving Book from school.

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