My two littlest boys: Jack and Henry

My two littlest boys: Jack and Henry

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy Halloween

We had a great Halloween and I hope y'all did too! Henry wasn't feeling too well, but we all made the day special anyway and Henry had some fun despite his cold too.

Jack had a Fall Fun Festival on Monday and had a great time. They went from classroom to classroom playing different games, making crafts, having snacks and from what I can tell from the mess on his shirt, they ate pizza too. :) This was their big Halloween fun.

On Halloween day, Jack went to school where they did some small Halloween fun, and Doug stayed home with us. Doug, Henry, and I hung out and did some needed chores around the house. We leisurely did them since we have all been under the weather. Later, Doug took our little pumpkin to the doctor to make sure his cold hadn't gotten into his ears or chest. He's okay, but we have an antibiotic we can fill just in case. Then, we all headed over to my mom and dad's house for some chili and snacks before trick-or-treating. I made mummy hot dogs. If you haven't had them, they are delicious. They are like big pigs in a blanket, but look like mummies for some Halloween fun. 

Jack was the cutest fireman and Henry was his little fire dog. When I can find our camera from last night, I will add a few pictures. It was certainly difficult to get the two of them to behave for the camera especially at that time in the afternoon. I think next year will be easier. :) We had a good time walking around. We had Henry in the stroller bundled up in our Halloween quilt and Jack was quite happy to run along with his pumpkin candy collector and his spinning pumpkin flashlight. He was a perfectly polite trick-or-treater. Doug and I were so proud of him. Besides trying to actually go into their homes, he remembered to say "trick-or-treat" and thank-you each time. He's a good boy. After awhile, Henry had it, so we walked back to my Mom and Dad's and Jack went to a few more houses with Pop Pop while we got the little pumpkin ready for bed. Jack came back and was thoroughly tired and just a little bit frightened of the scary Joker mask someone had on. (Thanks a lot, buddy! He's still talking about that "bad man mask" today.) 

The kids and I hit Target for the 50% off Halloween deals so we will be ready for another fun time next year! Now, we are getting ready for Thanksgiving. Gobble Gobble!

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