My two littlest boys: Jack and Henry

My two littlest boys: Jack and Henry

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Welcome Message

Hello! Welcome to my family blog. I wanted to create a space where I could share general news and tid bits with friends and family about this branch of the Breunig/Russell family tree. I say very affectionately that it is me and my three boys: my wonderful husband, Doug, and my two little boys Jack (3), and Henry (as Jack says, 0.) I am not making any commitments to post daily or weekly as is common, because I am busy with all my boys, but I will try my best for myself and others who may view this blog to post as regularly as I can! I hope you will enjoy reading and seeing pictures of what projects I may have going on around the house and with the littlest boys. Pictures of my growing boys will be a certainty! 

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