My two littlest boys: Jack and Henry

My two littlest boys: Jack and Henry

Thursday, October 18, 2012

A Scentsation Science Experiment

On Tuesdays and Thursdays we typically have a relaxed schedule since Jack is in school and it is also on these days that Jack and Henry soon, do special projects. Today, we explored our sense of smell. See the picture below for how we arranged the scents.

 I picked on purpose, a variety of strong to weak smelling scents. Some are a little stinky like vinegar and garlic to sweet smelling vanilla. Funny enough, Henry really liked the vinegar smelling cotton ball. Maybe this has to do with his congestion. (It could be that it was the only one he could smell!) Jack liked the vanilla scent and insisted it was chocolate. We talked about the other ways we can explore the world without using our eyes. We had a good time branching out and touching some interesting feeling items from around the house. Jack picked out a smooth pumpkin, a fuzzy sweater, and a wet wipe to feel. I suggested that Jack taste the scents on the cotton ball, but nope, he thought it would be yucky. What we all discovered is that we can use more than our eyes, to "see." 

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