My two littlest boys: Jack and Henry

My two littlest boys: Jack and Henry

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Fall Happenings: Kinsey Family Farm

Time for pumpkins! Or, so we thought... We usually go to Burt's Pumpkin Farm up in the North Georgia Mountains, but wanted to stay a little closer since Henry is still little and it is hard to stay out all day. (The kid likes to nap in his crib. What can I say?) We did have a nice little drive to the farm. It is a cute nursery and would be a great place to shop if you are landscaping. They did have a cute pumpkin patch underneath a pavilion. I was hoping that the pumpkins would be as far as the eye could see and range from the giant prize winning state fair kinda pumpkins to the tiny jack-be-littles, but their selection was very limited. We had a great time walking around on the first cold day of the season and had a good picnic, but we won't be coming back specifically for punkins! It is a great place to go if your children like to see farm animals, want a closer destination, and don't mind spending an extra large price tag for a pumpkin! We ended up leaving empty pumpkin handed but did stop at Aldi for a great $2.49 pumpkin! Sorry Kinsey Farm, we'll try to support you when we have landscaping needs, but for now, budget is the word!


  1. We love going to Kinsey for the hayride and a picnic but then buy our pumpkins at Walmart ;)

  2. That's the way to go! I am a little embarrassed. I just reread this post, and the teacher in me is going crazy with all the errors! I am getting too lazy with all of this quick typing. (You know I went and fixed them!)
