My two littlest boys: Jack and Henry

My two littlest boys: Jack and Henry

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Flat Out Pizza

We needed an alternative to the high fat, high carb, and high calorie deliciousness. We came up with these for dinner tonight. Jack and Henry loved their cheese pizza, and I made a roasted veggie and provolone pizza. Jack helped make them but wasn't in the mood for a picture. Gotta respect that.

 Doug had taco leftovers. I am getting closer and closer to swearing off beef all together. If it weren't for the biannual burger, I think I'd be there... 

Back to pizza. Here's how they turned out. 

We used light flatout wraps. 

I chose to roast peppers, squash, zucchini, and green onions while I fixed the boys' cheese pizza.
Put on your sauce and add cheese.

After a few minutes, the kiddo cheese pizza is done. Yummy looking!

Jack's plate.

Fixing mine up now that the veggies are done. 

Add your veggies and put back in the oven for a few minutes.

This is the deliciousness I got to eat after. You will not miss the meat, carbs, or calories, I promise. 

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